Tag Archives: love



The limp horse

born to be so

would no depth-

-of deprivation it know?

Why rendered so

such a way?

no running dreams

see light of day.

But blessed still

for had one friend..

his love had a

sorry soul amend.

A noble master

without bias was he

from shackles of disability

he set it free.

with a handful of venom

and a heart heavy.

among greatest of great

prejudiced are we!


our special Bond..


your name is all it takes

enchant me with the aroma of your bakes.

But far more than that what i remember,

is my sails you anchored in the needful hour.

& each coffee we sipped in winter afternoon,

& the golden songs I’d wait to hear you croon.

The child of yours you’d call names endearing

& the angelic daughter- so innocent so loving.

my brothers and sisters- their mischiefs I recall

the house; the place; the time comes to stall.

then, alone was I and so were all you

& together we made a family new.

attachment with you is deep and strong

the garden of affection & showers in this lawn.

It stays with me, where ever I go

that I miss you always, angels know.

till we meet, I bless you like i always do

& blessed are WE for such bonds are few.