Tag Archives: long drives

Long Drives and more..

 in the car with my family off to grand parents' 

in the car with my family off to grand parents’


night drive
night drive

I love going for late night movie shows.

i love long drives.

i love sitting on the back seat during long drives.

i love staring out the window on long drives and watch the world pace behind.

it’s interesting when my eyes meet those of a stranger and I feel shy for some reason.

i’ve started growing fond of babies- I love it when they stare.

These are moments when I feel alive. and take account of how I love my life.

these aren’t my hobbies. no one would ever mention these in ‘interests’ per se. like wise – a lot of things that we do (rather like to do) are an extension of our being. it comes to our conscience only once it happens. and we soon forget it. memories of the same might be vague but they sure bring with itself – happiness and ‘gratitude for the gift of life’ !
